31 March 2006

USATODAY.com - Chirac to announce decision on disputed labor law

"The crisis has wrecked government ties with unions, and made labor leaders unusually united. It has radicalized youths, heightening already widespread fears about globalization and reviving suspicions about bosses and capitalism - possibly causing a long-lasting setback for the cause of reform."

Hmm... So it seems I'm not the only one who's concerned about jobs leaving the country, or being taken by underpaid foreign nationals. Granted, I think I'd fight too, if I'd grown up in a system that pretty much guaranteed me a job to retire from. However, its a terribly fine line to tread between corporate protectionism (given the ability to fire anyone under a certain age without explanation or cause), likely to foster more churning at the lower age brackets; and endeavoring to stimulate the employment sectors.

Ah, capitalism at its finest.

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