19 July 2006

Bush vetoes bill to boost stem-cell funding - MarketWatch

The bill would have required the federal government to support research using stem cells from excess embryos created as part of fertility treatments and that were due to otherwise be discarded. The written consent of the embryo donors would also have been required.

Bush announced the veto at a White House event featuring 18 "snowflake" families, which have children born through embryo donations.

"Each of these children was adopted while still an embryo and has been blessed with the chance to grow -- to grow up in a loving family," Bush said. "These boys and girls are not spare parts."

Oh puhleeeze...!

Spare parts? Could McFly be more insulting, or flammatory? Did anyone happen to note that the majority of Americans SUPPORT this research? Last I checked, we were a popular sovereignty. Congress is ostensibly supposed to represent the will of the people, which you'd think ol' McFly would recognize. Or note the fact that embryos, clearly recognized by the courts as the joint PROPERTY of the biological entities that joined to create it, and would be required to consent to such uses.

Since he's got his medical health coverage guaranteed for life, now that he'll be a 'retired' President. No need to worry about the millions of CONSTITUENTS who will continue to suffer for the lack of this much needed research.

Maybe, if he's really lucky, he'll get to share in Ronald Reagan's legacy, through his own case of incurable Alzheimers. But somehow, I suspect living longer and being able to remember all the citizens (and soldiers) whose lives he's ruined might be a worse fate.

But that would require McFly to care.

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