11 August 2006

Britain names 19 suspects | Toronto Star

It's no wonder we're getting our asses handed to us. We can't even accomodate our allies when they ask us to do a simple thing, like keeping our mouths shut:

British and U.S. investigators, describing a plot on the scale of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, said the planners sought to use common electronic devices to detonate liquid explosives to bring down as many as 10 planes.
The bombs were to be assembled aboard the aircraft, apparently with peroxide-based solution and everyday carry-on items such as a disposable camera or a music player, two American law enforcement officials told The Associated Press. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because Britain asked that no information be released.

If the Brits asked U.S. officials to keep mum on the details of what they'd discovered, why in blue blazes can't law enforcement agents (subordinates, I presume) put a sock in it. What was to be gained by releasing such details? Certainly, there's something to be lost in publishing certain details at the wrong time.


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