23 January 2008

White House Declines to Clarify Paulson's Comments on Rebates - WSJ.com

The Treasury Secretary said last week that the White House wants to bring tax relief to 'those who are paying taxes.' But he appeared to back off of that line on Tuesday, when he told the U.S. Chamber of Commerce that the 'package must reach a large number of citizens.'

That would address concerns of many Democrats, who want tax rebates related to the stimulus to reach people who don't make enough to pay income taxes.
I'm sure this will sound rather harsh, but I fail to fathom why any government would return money to people who didn't pay in anything in the first place? I mean, that IS what a REBATE is. A return of money already paid.

I'll be honest. I subscribe to paycheck politics. Ergo, I vote in line with which ever party who's policies and platform will improve, or at least maintain, my present quality of life. However, I don't think I'd care for anyone, Democrat or Republican, who would squander the 'rebates' of paying citizen to insure (purchase?) a vote from non-contributors in November '08.

Yes, our economy could use a boost right about now. And I will grudginly concede that present administration's plan may have merit towards that goal. But let's be honest. If anyone wants to economically prop up a class of the citizenry with meager means to participate in the economy in the first place, let's call it what it is. It's not a rebate. It's welfare. And that requires legislators who will stand up with the balls to call it what it is. But welfare is such an ugly concept in this day and age, it's no wonder it's advocates want to hide it under the guide of a 'rebate'. But isn't "something for nothing" how our economy got this way in the first place.

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