26 May 2009

Facebook sells stake in business - BBC.co.uk

Facebook has sold a 1.96% stake for $200m (£126m) to a Russian internet firm, a move that values the social networking website at $10bn. Facebook boss Mark Zuckerberg said he had been impressed by Digital Sky Technology's (DST) "impressive growth and financial achievements".
I understand the needs of capitalization, but this move is a foolhardy one on the part of a significant presence in the social-internet scene. Along with China, Russia and other Eastern-bloc countries are a primary source of SPAM, Malware and *targeted* data-mining attacks against western (read: U.S.) citizens and business interests. Where better to obtain e-mails and inside target info than the world's largest social network? And how better than to buy one's way in?

I would love to be wrong, but I'm going on the record here and now and forecast a significant uptick in Russian-originated SPAM and spear-phishing within the next 18-24 months, predicated primarily upon this imprudent transaction. Any previous advice to be vigilant about confidential information in public profiles is to be redoubled.

Of course, your mileage may vary.

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