15 March 2006

Beware the Ides of March, McFly...

Looks like it was quite a day for the courts of public opinion. Or as McFly might be inclined to say today, "Sucks to be me!".

Day of reckoning for the Current Occupant Chicago Tribune

"I ran into a gray eminence from the Bush I era the other day in an airport, and he said that what most offended him about Bush II is the naked incompetence. 'You may disagree with Republicans, but you always had to recognize that they knew what they were doing,' he said. 'I keep going back to that intelligence memo of August 2001, that said that terrorists had plans to hijack planes and crash them into buildings. The president read it, and he didn't even call a staff meeting to discuss it. That is lack of attention of a high order.'
-- Garrison Keillor"

You know, the more I read Garrison's writing, the more I like him. He's articulate, poignant, and has a colloquial wit sharp enough to fillet Karl Rove. Google him up here.

Republicans Block New Security Scrutiny ABC News

"If the Republicans are now deciding to get on board, then we welcome them, because for so long they have been on a sinking ship, basically saying that our ports are secure," said Rep. Bennie Thompson of Mississippi, lead Democrat on the House Homeland Security Committee.

Oh, now there's a big surprise! I'm so surprised! I think I'm going to have a heart attack from that surprise... NOT!

Federal Prosecutor Says 'No Point' in Continuing Moussaoui Trial | Washington Post

Judge Brinkema's ruling makes it highly unlikely that the jury would vote for death. The case has been challenging from the start because Moussaoui was sitting in jail when the planes were hijacked and flown into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Federal law allows executions only for those who kill someone or directly cause a death.
Carla J. Martin, who had been a liaison between prosecutors and the aviation witnesses, offered an extraordinary criticism of the prosecution case in her e-mails. She said the government's opening statement "has created a credibility gap that the defense can drive a truck through." And she questioned the core government argument that the Sept. 11 attacks could have been prevented by heightened security at airports.

I've been thinking about this case. For the longest time, I was rather peeved at the notion that you would even TRY to get someone the death penalty without a smoking gun. Life in prison seemed reasonable under the circumstances. But for an experienced attorney like Martin to gaff this up, she's either been huffing her White Out™, was never that smart in the first place, or she's in collusion with the defense. ::blink::blink::

And in a very sad postscript to the day:
27 Accused of Running Child Pornography Web Site | New York Times:

"The investigation has identified seven (7) victims so far, the youngest one being the 18-month-old infant, who was molested by a man who called himself Acidburn"


Hmm, how apropos... 'Acidburn'. Right out of Ghostbusters ('whatever you think about is what will manifest to destroy you'. In their case, it was the Stay-Puft Marshamallow Man). Yeah, let's have DOJ (Dept. of Justice) go with that one for now... Burn off his testicles with acid. How's that?

Just keep Carla Martin off the case.

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