06 March 2006

Salon.com | Patriot Act games

Something I came across a few days ago: Comments from Sen. Russ Feingold (D-WI) dated 2/15/06 on how democrats have managed to abandon their constituents by caving in on their supposed opposition to the Patriot Act (which was recently renewed by the Senate). It bears mentioning that Sen. Feingold was the only Senator to oppose the Patriot Act when it was first enacted shortly after 9/11, and remains dedicated to the protection of our civil liberties.

... too many Democrats have folded, and momentum for critical changes to the Patriot Act to protect our freedoms has been squandered. Some Democrats may be breathing sighs of relief that the president can't use this issue to paint them as "soft" on terrorism. But we're not doing the party or the country any favors by refusing to challenge an administration that views our freedoms as collateral damage in the war on terrorism. If Democrats aren't going to stand up to an executive who disdains the other branches of government and doesn't worry about trampling on the rights of innocent Americans, what do we stand for?

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