03 March 2006

India will decide size of nuke deterrent | financialexpress.com

Hey, (G.W.) McFly!... (whack!)

"... This means that there can neither be any cap on the number of nuclear weapons that India can hold nor any quantification of the minimum deterrent. It also means that India is a de facto, if not de jure, nuclear power. Under the deal clinched by President George W Bush and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Thursday, India retains the right to classify its future reactors either as civilian or military.
"The deal also contains unique elements including an assurance from a consortium of countries such as France, Russia and Britain, besides the US, on ensuring continuity of fuel supplies. India also retains its sovereign right to take remedial measures if disruption of fuel supplies occurs."

So, let me see if I get this one correct:
  • India asserts that they alone will decide how large a nuclear threat they need to be, sitting right next to their buddies in Pakistan... (I'm sure China just LOVES that...)

  • India alone (without the benefit of participating in a non-proliferation treaty) will decide what their minimum nuclear deterrent force will be

  • India gets to decide which reactors are civilian, and which are military in nature, not the IAEA. Oh, and they get to decide which 14 of their 22 reactors get inspected and which don't...

    (and they've already said their Thorium-based Fast Breeder Reactors won't).

    [Oh, did I mention that India has the largest reserves of Thorium on the planet? Consequently, this means there won't be any constraints on their manufacture and development of nuclear weapons]

  • A consortium including the U.S. promises to provide India with (effectively) a never-ending supply of fuel for 'civilian' nuclear reactors.

  • India asserts that they retain the sovereign right to 'take remedial action' if anyone in the consortium dares cut them off (for cause, or otherwise).

  • And we agreed to these terms...
After enormously bolstering India's economy by permitting corporate America to offshore thousands upon thousands (if not millions) of U.S. jobs to India, our 'fearless leader' turns around and gives India exactly what it needed to challenge CHINA for control of the Asian continent.

'Not the sharpest knife in the drawer'? That would be like claiming Ann Coulter is just another conservative.
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