16 April 2006

Blackberry gets a raspberry from China Unicom | iTWire - (Australia)

The BlackBerry experience should serve as an object lesson for all technology companies looking to do business in China. Forget about trying to sell software there -- it will be copied and pirated. The same thing goes for commodity hardware. The same thing goes for commodity technology services. The same thing goes for the capitalistic concept of branding. What's more, despite all their posturing to the contrary, the piracy, copying and brand theft will be done while the Chinese Government looks the other way and even aided and abetted by the Chinese Government.
And still, despite all these factors, western commercial interests are falling all over each other to get 'in the door', in China. Why?

Perhaps its the notion that all loss leaders have loss inherently built into their pricing, safeguarding against too much damage being inflicted by those who hijack technology and intellectual property rights in the face of unenforceable international law. Perhaps its the 'take the money and run' mentality of most corporate sales people, thinking they'll be long gone by the time the waves of repercussion shake the financial foundations of their organization. Or maybe its simply that we don't care anymore. That the snubbing paid to American companies and their workforce has finally taken its toll to the point that we take such abuse for granted. Who knows?

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