13 July 2006

War on Iran Has Begun | The New York Sun

Indeed, it may well have. After last night's post, I woke to find that Israel has gone ahead to further make my point.

With two more soldiers kidnapped by Hamas or Hezbollah factions having provoked Israel even further, they are now fighting on two fronts and dispensing yet more sabre rattling at a time when composure might serve them better. Has Israel given no thought to who just might be pulling the strings? Certainly not a militant faction, incapable of bringing the fight to Israel with anything more than the occasional rocket or bus bombing.

Clearly, there are other interests at work here. Divide and conquer is a military strategy as old as the bible itself. Being a nation that's been at one state or another of war since its inception, you'd think Israel would have a better grasp of the players in this strategic game of 'King of the Mount'.

Or maybe its simply time to confiscate Jerusalem and turn it into a city/state like the Vatican. But then again, my idea of forclosing on Brazil when they owed us so much money wasn't well received either.

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