15 August 2007

NYPD warns of homegrown terrorists - U.S. Security - MSNBC.com

Citizens who quietly band together and adopt radical ways — not just established overseas terrorist groups like al-Qaida — pose a serious threat to American security, a new police analysis has concluded.

Hmm... So, let's see if I can identify any 'groups' that might meet this definition:

The Society for Creative Anachronism - They dress in funny clothes, dance, wear medieval armor, beat on each other for sport, and think they're subjects of a monarchy (all for educational purposes). Have been since the 60's. Totally rad, man!

The National Rifle Association - They assemble and collectively dare to believe that the founding fathers clearly intended for every citizen to be imbued with inalienable rights to arm themselves against oppression and tyranny, including oppressive and tyrannical governments. That's pretty radical, no? Ok, but they're not so quiet about it either. Just ask Charlton Heston.

American Association for Retired People - One of the most powerful voting blocs in America, most of whom probably live in Florida or Arizona. And all they want is affordable medical care. That's definitely radical. Just ask your congressman. Or Jack Kevorkian.

Who knows? Are you a member of a radical organization that might be threatening the very fibre of our nation? Check your credentials at the door.

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